
720 Funny COD Names Ideas and Suggestions

720 Funny COD Names Ideas and Suggestions. Activision publishes Call of Duty, a popular video game series and media phenomenon. It is popular for its realistic military action, furious gunfights, and exciting battle scenarios. This article contains a list of the finest COD names for your character in multiplayer.

COD names are usernames or Gamertags that players use to identify themselves in the game Call of Duty. Having a distinctive COD name allows players to express their individuality and distinguish themselves from other players. Check out some of the funny COD names that will make you laugh.

Funny COD Names Ideas and Suggestions

Funny COD Names Ideas

Here is the list of 720 Funny COD Names Ideas and Suggestions:

  1. 21 Savic 
  2. 2cute2quit
  3. PyroPunisher
  4. Ninja Turtles
  5. Pistol only
  6. Last_laugh
  7. BlowoutBrains
  8. Executioner
  9. TrojanHorse
  10. Marie Jo
  11. NinjaNacho
  13. Lyrical Armed Services
  14. WickedWitch 
  15. HelpMeGuys 
  16. Chicken lover
  17. SonHeung Max
  18. Wazir Killers
  19. Point Blank
  20. InfernoInfantry
  21. saac Seaman
  22. TomHanks
  23. idontevenknobro 
  24. VenomousVortex
  25. Matrix
  26. Stromtrooper99
  27. Chaos Builder
  28. CommandoFluffy
  29. Assassin 007
  30. VelvetThunder
  31. DeathDispatcher
  32. CuriousKiller
  33. No_Pain_No_Gain
  34. The Underdoggos
  35. Cold Assassin
  36. Bored Assassins
  37. Incognito
  38. CutThroat
  39. One Man Army
  40. Ultimate Power
  41. Warmachine
  42. NotToo Xabi 
  43. Fighter
  44. Blood and Tearzz
  45. Sneaky Hickey
  46. Moon Squad
  47. Martian Army
  48. Final Standz
  49. DeltaDestroyer
  50. Butter Fingerz 
  51. GentlemanJackie
  52. Hacuna Nakata 
  53. DiscovererNato
  54. Blaze of Glory
  55. GenZBoy 
  56. Deadly Solace
  57. Harry Dotter
  58. Birb of Love 
  59. chubby Alonso 
  60. Ghost Army
  61. Finishius Junior
  62. Craptop Annihilator
  63. Havoc Bringer
  64. Conartist
  65. Man KillMeNowPlease
  66. Cyprus
  67. ThunderCrash
  68. BOT996
  69. Immortal
  70. NoScopeNinja
  71. Altitude Master
  72. Killer Kitten 
  73. Penguin potato
  74. Ninja Dharmaputras
  75. TrojanHorse
  76. OblivionOracle
  77. BadAtThis 
  78. NoFreeFire
  79. Lethal Lordz
  80. Grenade
  81. spacebound
  82. Mark DeMan 
  83. Rising Phoenixx
  84. Killer G69
  85. Lurker99 
  86. Bad Company Gamingxx
  87. Free headshot 
  88. Slippy G I
  89. Hannahbolika 
  90. NightFury
  91. TwilightTerror
  92. RevolverRita
  93. amazing Sneijderman 
  94. GlockLesner 
  95. Call of Death
  96. SamSlammed
  97. Dilwale Tu Silwale
  98. DoomDealer
  99. 77VenomArchon
  100. Gamer Chick 
  101. Nova Girl
  102. Night Watcher
  103. DestinedSquad
  104. Grunge
  105. MADMAX
  106. Cold Assassin
  107. YouTriedIt 
  108. Undefeated Squad
  109. Makarov
  110. SabotageSage
  111. Night Watcher
  112. IronEagle
  113. Kill The Mob
  114. BlackWidow
  115. Hunter
  116. Angry Wolf
  117. Bam 
  118. Death Squad 36Tea
  119. DreadDynamo
  120. TacticalTracy
  121. GoodLuckGooberTruck 
  122. Champion
  123. ChupaMestePenco 
  124. SniperElite
  125. Nasty Shanker
  126. Hugh G Rection 
  127. Mortified Coercion
  128. Online Allday
  129. SpaghettiSlinger
  130. YouMadBro 
  131. RicochetRogue
  132. Monasterywoman Melissaspirit
  133. Instinct
  134. BountyHunter 
  135. Boomer bomber
  136. Caturdayenjoyer
  137. BroCode
  138. IronWolf
  139. Lamers
  140. Ghost
  141. IShowSiuu 
  142. Don Stab 
  143. Who killed Kenny?
  144. Manipulation Master
  145. RagedPsychos
  146. Zinedine Zidancer 
  147. 77MirrorStar
  148. Intelligent Zombie 
  149. ViperVanguard
  150. Hugh Jass 
  151. Shepherd
  152. Dookie McGee
  153. Destiny
  154. TacticalTiger
  155. Stromtrooper99
  156. First Winner
  157. Gangsterpubg
  158. Digital Warriors
  159. LiarFire 
  160. No Mercyy
  161. On_Duty
  162. Technician
  163. Straight Gangsters
  164. KiloKiller
  165. turtle neck man
  166. GhostReaper
  167. Deathstroke
  168. Bread Pitt
  169. CaptainButterfingers
  170. Radical Art
  171. Fatboy Wattson
  172. damselindistress
  173. Headshots4Free 
  174. SnippingTurd
  175. ShadowSlayer
  176. Grumpy Gamer 
  177. Beta Ace
  178. the delivery boy
  179. Umama_karma 
  180. Sniper Monkey
  181. GoreGunner
  182. TittyToucher
  183. Last_laugh
  184. Arsyn
  185. Hattrick Swayze 
  186. bounty_seekers
  187. Blitzkrieg
  188. Victory Seeker
  189. Timo Turner 
  190. VenomousViper
  191. Mohamed Salah Lamadrama  
  192. alpha_helix
  193. Death Spree
  194. Wind Breaker
  195. DarkClown
  196. VenomVanguard
  197. Chicken Dinner
  198. God Royalty
  199. Savage Sam
  200. Spawn Trapper
  201. Mike Oxlong 
  202. Sergeant Ghost
  203. OnYourLeft 
  204. Wazir
  205. WaffleWarrior
  206. Supergirl
  207. Cleo de play
  208. TerrorTorpedo
  209. DoomsDay
  210. ShroudSerpent
  211. Deadpan
  212. SpikeNoob 
  213. LoneTrooper
  214. Bullet Sponge
  215. Toilet Paper Man
  216. Shutout
  217. Championof7seas
  218. Thunderbolt
  219. Warlords
  220. NoodleNinja
  221. Silver wolf
  222. Craterface
  223. GoldToads
  224. Mike Hunt 
  225. Wind Breaker
  226. Destuctivevirus
  227. LunaticMoon 
  228. LoneTrooper
  229. PubgStriker
  230. The_Special_Forces
  231. TacticalTornado
  232. ThunderThorn
  233. MistDragon
  234. CoolShooter
  235. Martial Warlocks
  236. Phoenix Risingxp
  237. BulletBarrage
  238. MachineGun
  239. Assassin
  240. CommandoCrusher
  241. Kung Fu
  242. Ressurect_me
  243. WORST Nightmare
  244. Hellraiser
  245. RisingxStorm
  246. SnippingTurd
  247. Exile Beast
  248. MissTerror 
  249. ArtemisInArms
  250. Misses Spock
  251. Bloody Mary
  252. Batwoman 
  253. System Detonator
  254. Sonic Boom
  255. IronLegionnaire
  256. Darth Vaper 
  257. Assassin Creed
  258. Frostbite
  259. Xtreme
  260. Quantum Strings
  261. Immortal Warriorz
  262. Tchouameni-Tore 
  263. TheGodButcher
  264. GigglesGunner
  265. Baconator
  266. United Offensive Warriorxz
  267. Wicked Wolzves Clan
  268. KonstructThor
  269. Cannon meat 
  270. Armed Services
  271. You are stuck
  272. Kung Fu
  273. CrispyChicken
  274. SillySquid
  275. MunchkinMachine
  276. Mayhem
  277. Royalty
  278. Quickscope
  279. Mighty Knight
  280. CãrnageEpidemic
  281. AK47 only
  282. GoalDigger 
  283. ViperStrike
  284. Hera
  285. Crimson Tide
  286. Ghostz
  287. Terry Smufus
  288. ChaosElmo
  289. GiantSlayer 
  290. Hungry Admirals
  291. BrutalBlitz
  292. PulsePredator
  293. BulletBlitz
  294. Curly cries
  295. Trollers
  296. Shadow Strike
  297. DamageDealer
  298. GrimReaper
  299. Champion
  300. Kings Of Chaos
  301. Kill The Mob
  302. ThisOften
  303. DontKillMe 
  304. Serial_crapper
  305. DeltaForce
  306. Parry Wotah
  307. Alex Torpedo 
  308. Death Before Dishonorr
  309. DeadHunter
  310. Listless Kills
  311. riseandfire
  312. A Team
  313. only Matip 
  314. RespawnLord 
  315. NitroNomad
  316. Noober bopper
  317. OperationEagle
  318. Zombie Hordes
  319. Rapid Hooligans
  320. Pepe the pig 
  321. Lester
  322. Russian Viper
  323. Mystic
  324. Fine Sniper
  325. Major Triggerhappy 
  326. Nasty Nate 
  327. Deadly Force
  328. Death Raider
  329. BloodBane
  330. Blood Moon
  331. JellybeanJuggler
  332. Crazy Cat Lady 
  333. Camper
  334. Battle Cries
  335. the_god_maker
  336. Call of Demons
  337. Achilles Castro 
  338. Kira
  339. Showstopper
  340. Lady Yaya 
  341. SkullCrusher
  342. Willy Da Waffel
  343. Victory or Deathz
  344. Sherlock combs
  345. Death Sprayers
  346. Airport Hobo
  347. ValorVanguard
  348. Hawk Eye
  349. Martian
  350. Skilled Assassin
  351. TheVixen 
  352. Silent Shooters
  353. Warhawk
  354. The Outlawz
  355. B Magic
  356. Major Russells
  357. Gestresster Sniper 
  358. ViperVixen
  359. Deviner
  360. Xtreme Life and Deathz
  361. Eagle Strike
  362. HavocHero
  363. Call of Doody
  364. Welcome Your Defeat
  365. Leutnant Boomstick 
  366. Blind Assassins
  367. ReloadingWait 
  368. Droppings McGee
  369. sick-o-pants
  370. Swordplay
  371. Joe Mechanic
  372. NightSlayer
  373. Corporal Buttwiper
  374. Mutant
  375. Revive me again 
  376. Covert Destroyer
  377. Hellhound
  378. Demon Fire
  379. Joe Mechanic
  380. The Killerex
  381. Samurai Army
  382. Team Overdosexd
  383. OneclickNinjas
  384. The Fallen Onez
  385. Spawn trap
  386. LethalLegend
  387. Death Machine
  388. GhostGuardian
  389. Dead Hunter
  390. Wreckage
  391. CarnageCreator
  392. Death Defier
  393. Rapid Fire
  394. Serpent
  395. Mcbuttocks
  396. Sergeant Reznov
  397. DefenderBender 
  398. Fine Bureau
  399. Bites Terrifying
  400. Troll Army
  401. Cleverley Dunne 
  402. BigButtBootyBoi 
  403. Hoosier Daddy
  404. The Terminatorz
  405. RageFrost
  406. Hellraiser
  407. Noob combo
  408. Rioter
  409. TriggerHappyTom
  410. Death gun
  411. Freakish
  412. Dark Warrior
  413. Alexandre LacaSweat 
  414. Headhunters Squad
  415. Milea
  416. SuperNoob 
  417. Crimson
  418. Joice
  419. DivaDetonator
  420. BattleStar
  421. Gladiators
  422. Captain Bowel
  423. GirlyGang
  424. Skin and Bones
  425. ZombieKiller
  426. Cereal Killer
  427. TitanTrooper
  428. The Reaperxs
  429. DeadHunter
  430. Hairy Poppins
  431. Bacary-Lasagne 
  432. RogueRaptor
  433. Heung Min Papa 
  434. Ghoul Army
  435. JohnWicked
  436. SloppySundae
  437. Herpes_free_from_03
  438. Star Seeker
  439. RedFoster
  440. Bad Bunny 
  441. Seal the Deal
  442. Red Dragon
  443. IronFist
  444. Outlaw
  445. Fanatical Warriors
  446. Fire Guy
  447. Nightmarish 
  448. Marksman
  449. Royal Spider
  450. Nasty Shanker
  451. Femme Fatale 
  452. PixelPirate
  453. ShadowStrike
  454. PhantomRifle
  455. Knife only
  456. Fear
  457. ScopeSorcerer
  458. The Muffin
  459. SteelStorm
  460. The Guardianz
  461. Noob Hunter
  462. ether_smoke
  463. Gamer Bae
  464. RavenRebel
  465. Major Russells
  466. LastEye
  467. Kill on Bounty
  468. Team Buster
  469. Eagle Assassin
  470. Demon Dancing
  471. Armando Mokka
  472. Death Truck 7
  473. MatchBomber 
  474. Bulletproof
  475. CaptainKaboom
  476. SteelHeart
  477. Avenger
  478. Hanzo Bananzo
  479. MaverickMongoose
  480. SteelSentinel
  481. Soap MacTavish
  482. DoobieNoobies
  483. TacticalNuke
  484. DeathDealer
  485. Nosedrills
  486. Rhythmic Kills
  487. The Forsakenz
  488. KillerKombat
  489. Inquisitor Banane 
  490. BlazeBattalion
  491. The_Messiah
  492. HappyCamper
  493. Obi-Wan Iwobi 
  494. Weaponsinstructor
  495. ToxicTracer
  496. Evolve
  497. Arrow Head
  498. CyberCommander
  499. CyberSiren
  500. The ElitexKillers
  501. Martian
  502. Captain Jack Sparrow
  503. Void
  504. Victor Win
  505. Fearless Warriors
  506. Dreadful Dream Walker 
  507. Schnitzel bread
  508. Juggernaut
  509. Dominance
  510. ToastyMarshmallow
  511. art_of_war
  512. Murda-Rita
  513. TriggerHappy
  514. Executioner
  515. SamSlammed
  516. PubgStriker
  517. Fantom
  518. Agent47
  519. Dry ball
  520. TomHanks
  521. ImpactImpulse
  522. Razorback
  523. Valkyrie Vanguard
  524. BOT996
  525. Invading Troopers
  526. InfernoBlade
  527. Neon Banana
  528. PopcornPirate
  529. GrimReaper
  530. PoizonIvy 
  531. QuantumQuake
  532. VenomViper
  533. Machinegun Mama 
  534. Victor Win
  535. Yeet to Kills
  536. Final Destinationn
  537. Hungry Chicken Seekers
  538. SavageStalker
  539. strange addiction
  540. SentinelSlayer
  541. Madzilla 
  542. Thunder Fury
  543. Harrier
  544. Shotgunner
  545. RedFoster
  546. Clan of Coats
  547. No One Lives Forever
  548. Fuzzy Pack
  549. Noob Tube Ninja 
  550. IronDefender
  551. Blaze Fire
  552. HeadshotHunter
  553. BlastBrute
  554. HerMajesty 
  555. Bruised Soul
  556. Fine Sniper
  557. Relentless Assassinsz
  558. CamoCarrie
  559. Café Con Leche 
  560. psycho_vipers
  561. No Remorse
  562. TofuTigress
  563. DeathSquad
  564. SneakyTaco
  565. Yellin Timber 
  566. Havoc Bringer
  567. PhantomPro
  568. Porkenstein
  569. Hairy Potter
  570. Donkey Bong
  571. Disgusted Tyranny
  572. WraithWalker
  573. PubgPie Savage Sam
  574. skull crusher
  575. Killer Kebab 
  576. One-hit KO
  577. NoScopeNate
  578. Rick N Morty
  579. Hunter
  580. ReaperRogue
  581. butt_smasher 
  582. NoGameNoLife 
  583. Death Defier
  584. Bounty Seeker
  585. FuryFalcon
  586. Annoyed Power
  587. Best Ninja
  588. TrägerDelHades 
  589. Death Machine
  590. HavocDemon
  591. Dark Knight
  592. Sweeper
  593. 2Nice 
  594. PicklePirate
  595. Hungry Chicken Seekers
  596. who adopts me
  597. Blood Bath
  598. FiestySakura 
  599. InYourOldFace! 
  600. Echo Squad
  601. SausageSamurai
  602. ThunderCat
  603. KillMePls 
  604. Shadow Morpher 
  605. Sniper Cyber 
  606. DashMetalRat
  607. FatalFury
  608. Archer
  609. Panda Troopers
  610. PhoenixFury
  611. ADuckOnQuack 
  612. Clout Bearer
  613. Queen of Game
  614. LoneWolf
  615. Warrior Spirit
  616. Uprising Rivals
  617. Quickscoper
  618. Headshot Harry 
  619. Mercenaries
  620. NaughtyNick
  621. Mav Rick
  622. Darkside Syndicatexl
  623. Blood Hunters
  624. Eternal Waxrlords
  625. Gun Diplomacy
  626. Shotgun only
  627. Smith Clan
  628. NovaKnight
  629. Saul Tee 
  630. FentoFantom
  631. Speedy Gonzales 
  632. Tactical Strike Forcexp
  633. The Fallenz
  634. Cloudy Perpetrator
  635. Omega Quad
  636. Sharpshooter
  637. Potatokiller 
  638. Captain Price
  639. LongSchlongJr
  640. hunter Supreme 
  641. Noob assassin 
  642. Major Pain
  643. Smith Clan
  644. RazorEdge
  645. JuggernautJawline
  646. Haywood Jablomee 
  647. Assassinzxl
  648. swagking
  649. The Conglomeratez
  650. Agony
  651. Bullet Baron Lord 
  652. Sniper Elite
  653. NoDaysOff
  654. Damntheduty
  655. White Pigeon
  656. Giveme Depay 
  657. 360 Degree
  658. Spicy Chicken
  659. Generalterminator 
  660. Boomstick
  661. Crazed
  662. KillShot
  663. Nightstalker
  664. Agenten Anarchie 
  665. ExtremeDanger
  666. Agent Orange 
  667. Xboxlogout 
  668. DeadShot
  669. MachineGun
  670. Radicals
  671. ProBoi
  672. MaximusTitan
  673. Dragonfire
  674. Starboy
  675. Donald Trump
  676. DeadAgent 
  677. The bullet whisperer
  678. Potato annihilator
  679. Shisha Modric 
  680. Raging Archers
  681. Slayer
  682. Ducky Goose Chaser
  683. Modern Warfare
  684. ShadowReaper
  685. Run and Gun
  686. ShadowStriker
  687. CutThroat
  688. TaintedButWhole
  689. Ghosthunter
  690. Professional Looter 
  691. The Shadowos
  692. FirecrackerFay
  693. joe_hoe
  694. Disco Ninja 
  695. COD Finest Army
  696. DaGoddess 
  697. no_mercy
  698. DDA Drogba 
  699. Brothers in Armz
  700. Flawless Giant
  701. DarkDestroyer
  702. no_one
  703. Assassin’s Grease
  704. Fierce Assassinators
  705. Hawwy Kwayne 
  706. Maximus Titan
  707. MurderxIncorporated
  709. damntheduty
  710. CoolShooter
  711. ThunderCat
  712. SoccerTease 
  713. Villager Raiders
  714. Evildead
  716. Bad Bloodzx
  717. Prophet
  718. YourGrandpa 
  719. Nocturnal
  720. Reef Raff

Also Read: Fortnite Usernames Ideas and Suggestions


Call of Duty is a best-selling video game franchise that has won the hearts of gamers around the world. The game’s online presence has spawned numerous gaming clans and groups, each with its own login. Funny COD names can help players distinguish out as they demonstrate their skill level. These titles give a sense of comedy to the game’s fast-paced turmoil.

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