825+ Male Horse Names (2023)

825+ Male Horse Names (2023). The horse’s interaction with humans has been unusual. In our daily lives, he is always seen as a companion and even a close friend. Giving a name to your male horse is thus not a simple task. You might name your horse after its colour, breed, personality, or anything else.
Male Horse Names

I’ve created a list of fantastic male horse names in many categories, as well as some options for you to choose from. If you look through the lists below patiently.
Best Male Horse Names
Here is the list of best male horse names:
- Hunter
- Spot
- Poncho
- Rocky
- Copper
- Patriot
- Trooper
- Justin
- Star
- Mocha
- Yankee
- Tex
- Jack
- Pepper
- Dante
- Eclipse
- Midnight
- Butterscotch
- Chewy
- Austin
- Liam
- Guinness
- Cobalt
- Sydney
- Levi
- Albus
- Kendrick
- Connor
- Remy
- Bleu
- Sandor
Unique Male Horse Names
Here is the list of unique male horse names:
- Bombay
- Stormzy
- Moe
- Oreo
- Ziggy
- Oscor
- Diesel
- Zeke
- Rudy
- King
- Coco
- Domingo
- Walter
- Chico
- Duke
- Damien
- Drew
- Doc
- Davy
- Falcon
- Baker
- Nepson
- Fuji
- Eli
- Edgar
- Edmund
- Edwin
- Omega
- Edsun
- Fabio
- Tubin
- Donovan
- Nico
- Seamus
- Arlo
- Forrest
- Yoda
- Rory
- Fin
- Fidd
- Finley
- Forest
- Fletcher
- Francis
- Floyd
- Freeman
- Fisher
- Firtz
- Frank
- Brutzz
- Gage
- Grizzly
- Maximum
- Gerald
- Ceaser
- Ghost
- Gizmo
- Henry
- Health
- Hooch
- Hart
- Hector
- Blaze
- Huck
- Taco
- Legend
- Sneakers
- Igy
- Nugget
- Davy
- Edgar
- Babbelute
- Back In A Flash
- Beach Game
- Bermuda
- Big Brown
- Big League
- Big Hustler
- Big News
- Big Red
- Big Mac
- Big Foot
- Big Ben
- Best Of Luck
- Black Magic
- Black Toes
- Black Velvet
- Black Winter
- Black Shadows
- Black Star
- Black Kyber
- Blue Murder
- Blue Eyed Bandit
- Blue Max
- Blue Legend
- Black Future
- Blackhawk
- Blacky
- Bobby Jo
- Bobby
- Bobbie
- Bobbi
- Bodhi
- Bo Hunk
- Bo
- Blues Traveler
- Blueberry Hill
- Blueskin
- Blueprint
- Biggles
- Boomerang
- Blue Chip
- Boon
- Bookmark
Famous Males Horses Names
Here is the list of famous males horses names:
- Boris
- Braveheart
- Brego
- Black Caviar
- Daisy
- Cabbala
- Buzz
- Buddy
- Amadeo
- Bullet
- Bunny
- Olari
- Oswyn
- Elgar
- Rajko
- Boston
- Petrick
- Jericho
- Chester
- Theodore
- Bracken
- Clyde
- Galileo
- Mecheros
- Burmese
Cool Males Horse Name Ideas
Here is the list of cool males horse name ideas:
- Artex
- Airon
- Assault
- Apache
- Alchemist
- Alto
- Baghera
- Atlanta
- Bear
- Biscuit
- Billy
- Bentley
- Begal
- Brackston
- Pip
- Rico
- Ruby
- Rusty
- Chester
- Bucky
- Basil
- Silver
- Bijo
- Bingo
- Bird
- Baron
- Woodstock
- Akela
- Ace
- Jericho
- Hero
- Bizzard
- Friday
- Austin
- Ninja
- Marlay
- Pirate
- Ninja
- Angelo
- Arizona
- Dairy
- Uriah
- Blue
- Black Jack
- Zelda
- Beron
- Bendit
- Zelda
- Bruce
- Bobbie
- Brecken
- Blueskin
- Allen
- Collari
- Ballen
- Bubble
- Bonjour
- Bucephalus
- Brazil
- Brownie
- Bonjour
- Cowboy’s Dream
- Jungle Prince
- Dandy Man
- La Tomboy
- Lady’s Man
- Above The Clouds
- Abu
- Air Express
- Abdullah
- Aidan
- Al Akbar
- Aladdin
- Albert
- Able Master
- Alpha
- Almonds
- Ally
- Baxter
- Baystreet
- Bazooka
- Be My Guest
- Benjamin
- Caballo
- Caeser
- Caribbean
- Carmen
- Cappo
- Aerosmith
- Afternoon Delight
- Abacus
- Aesop
- Agent 007
- Almost Illegal
- Air
- Air Express
- Absent
- Abrazo
- Acclaimed
- Aces Diamond Rio
- Acorn
- Acker Bilk
- Akasha
- Little BBalduraby
- Airborne Magic
- Banjo
- Bandy
- Banner
- Banter
- Bar Mount
- Bar King
- Baron
- Back Street Bay
- Back In A Flash
- Barney
- Bagels
- Bagel
- Baldur
- Baldemar
- Batovian
- Batman
- Bashful
- Bart
- Barry
Cute Males Horse Names
Here is the list of cute males horse names:
- Fuzzy
- Franklin
- Forte
- Frou-Frou
- Funny
- Freak
- Little Boy
- Lucky One
- Adorable
- Afterglow
- Pikachu
- Smooth Touch
- Mouse Called Mickey
- Aladdin’s Treasure
- Almond
- Almonds
- Ai
- Abacus
- Always A Dot
- Always
- Freckles
- Frisco
- Frisky
- Frolic
- Foxy
- Frosty
- Arabian Night
- Arabian Knight
- Answered Prayers
- Astrology
- Amigo
- Apples
- Angelo
- AppleJacks
- Apple jack
- Apple
- Apple Butter
- Atom
- Asian
- Austin
- Avenger
- Autumn Star
- Baby
- Baby Moon
- Beau
- Baloo
- Bam Bam
- Bambi
- Bama
- Barron
- Buddy
- Bonnie
- Breeze
- Bullet
- Boots
- Boon
- Biscuits
- Buttons
- Butter
- Brandy
- Buttermilk
- Butterscotch
- BeeBee
- Buzz
- Casino
- Cash
- Cookie
- Cocolo
- Coco
- Champion
- Chi
- Chico
- Cupid
- Champ
- Captain
- Cowboy
- Candy
- Casanova
- Cappicino
- Checkers
- Chip
- Chief
- Charley Horse
- Copper
- Czar
- Dollar
- Dream
- Dawn
- Dealer
- Dandy
- Diamond
- Diesel
- Dawn
- Dancer
- Dreamer
- Dash
- Deal
- Dusty
- Duster
- Dino
- Desi
- Dexter
- Duke
- Disco
- Daisy-Duke
- Dance Away
- Dancer
- Dairy Cream
- D.J.
- Daydream
- Day By Day
- Darling
- Dart
- Dapple Apple
- Daredevil
- Darby
- Devious
- Danny Boy
- Daniel
- Dandi
- Dee Dee
- Dee
- Dew Drop
- Devon
- Devil On Ice
Funny Male Horses Name Ideas
Here is the list of funny male horses name ideas:
- Chappelle
- Seinfeld
- Alimony Pony
- Mr. Miyagi
- Harry Trotter
- Gluteus Maximus
- Mr. McWhinney
- Justine Thyme
- Neigh Sayer
- Arnold Schwarze-neigh-ger
- Pony Soprano
- Britney Spurs
- David Hasselhoofs
- Post Stallione
- Minnie Scule
- Pony Montana
- Zee Bruh
- Jon Bon Pony
- Ron Neighsly
- Edgar Allen Pony
- Richard Friction
- Thanorse
- Jersy horse
- Night Mare
- Chuck Horris
- Spongebob Horsepant
- Leon Trotsky
- Horsey Kiss
- NeighNeigh Leaks
- Dappleganger
- Sylvester Stallion
- Chewbacca
- Silly Sid
- Pinto Bean
- Fleabag
- Sir Neighs A lot
- Burress
- Tosh
- Hart
- Mount Whiney
- Russel
- Ricky Bobby
- Bill Burr
- Colt Forty-Five
- Hooves
- Eddie
- Forrest Jump
- Usain Colt
- Kolt Kardashian
- Tater Trot
- Liam Neighson
- Al Capony
- Hermoineigh
- Weebiscuit
- Gaits of Hell
- Hoofy Heart
- Horsen Around
- Talk Derby to Me
- Odor in the Court
- Walk of Shame
- Bored Bronco
- Mane Attraction
- Equine Intervention
- Fifty Bales of Hay
- Long Face
- Whinny the Horseshoe
- Just Mare-ied
- Always Neighing
- Hot to Trot
- Junkinthetrunk
- Mane Event
- Sofa Can Fast
- Wheres the Beef
- Nosoupforyou
- Maythehorsebewithyou
- Horse Power
- Rogue One
- D’Apples Are Sweet
- Sofa Can Slow
- What the Buck
- Pony of my Ownie
- Bling Bling
- Bite My Dust
- Bit Of A Pickle
- Booger Baby
- Café Latte
- Captain Canada
- Champagne On Deck
- Chance Gets Lucky
- Cash The Check
- Can’t Deny it
- Candyman
- Catch The Wind
- Daddy’s Overdraft
- Daddy’s Dollars
- Doctor Feelgood
- Double Trouble
- Dr.Jumpsalot
- Dynamite Jack
- Ebony Everything
- Elusive Enchantment
- Ever So Clever
- Exchange Rate
- Exclamation Kid
- Expecting To Fly
- Footloose
- Feather Trader
- Fat Boy Slim
- Fat Chance Cinnamon
- Feature Presentation
- Five-To-Get-Ready
- Frisky Whiskey
- Freckled Warrior
- Frozen Motion
- Foreign Affair
Black Male Horse Names
Here is the list of black male horse names:
- Cosmo
- Ace of Spades
- Angus
- Ace
- Ash
- Batman
- Bagheera
- Black Bean
- Black
- Bean
- Black Tie
- Bucephalus
- Charcoal
- Carbon
- Coal
- Crow
- Dark Knight
- Domino
- Drogon
- Dracula
- Guinness
- Graphite
- Elvis
- Jack Black
- Jack
- Hades
- Leviathan
- Apparition
- Black Diamond
- Blackie
- Blackberry
- Coffee
- Coco
- Cobra
- Cinder
- Chocolate
- Jack of Clubs
- Lucifer
- Ninja
- Nimbus
- Nero
- Pepsi
- Onyx
- Obsidian
- Noir
- Ruger
- Slim Shady
- Currant
- Dice
- Ember
- Galaxy
White Male Horse Names
Here is the list of white male horse names:
- Beau
- Uno
- Zed
- Chess
- Socks
- Zodiac
- Duncan
- Bentley
- Flash
- Jiminy
- Fronzie
- Zephyr
- Charming
- Ice
- Angelo
- Caesar
- President
- Jon
- Freddie
- Milky
- Goliath
- Winston
- Albus
- Austen
- Maximus
- Elmer
- Lincoln
- Dynamite
- Rain
- Edgar
- Kuzco
- Snow
- Legend
- Victor
- Blake
- Admiral
- Jake
- Milky Way
- Heaven
- Ice Cream
- Ice Cube
- Mr. Ed
- Snowball
- Fjord
- Resprendent
- Orchid
- Cotton
- Cloud
- Coconut
- Diamond
Brown Male Horse Names
Here is the list of brown male horse names:
- Brown Bellino
- Buff Boy
- Clay
- Clayton
- Copper Top
- Autumn
- Brownie
- Cinnamon
- Toffee
- Cappuccino
- Kahlua
- Nutmeg
- Brown Sugar
- Chewbacca
- Beaver
- Sandy
- Caramel
- Grizzly
- Cocoa
- Rusty
- Bamboo
- Bay Boy
- Bister Boy
- Bay
- Bister
- Bronze
- Brindle Boy
- Bronze Boy
- Bronzer
- Brown Beau
- Monkey
- Nestles Crunch
- Kit Kat
- Coffee Bean
- Milky Way
- Sandcastle
- Java
- Expresso
- Tootsie Roll
- Almond
- Big Brown
- Falcon
- Penny Loafer
- Ovaltine
- Crown Royal
- Marron
- Cougar
- Fudgsicle
- Chipmunk
- Pine Cone
Male Horse Names

Here is the list of male horse names:
- Blacksmith
- Bolt
- Buckey
- Ironclad
- Connecticut
- Washington
- Clydesdale
- Jockey
- King
- Tennessee
- Jupiter
- Wrangler
- Tank
- Diesel
- Texas
- Quarterback
- Ridgeline
- Colorado
- Lincoln
- Colonel
- Shoelace
- Rushmore
- Officer
- Steeltoe
- Deputy
- Lucky
- Pecos
- Colt
- Horseshoe
- Barley
- Bronco
- Blazer
- Wilbur
- Buck
- Franklin
- Kentucky
- Trigger
- Rascal
- Legacy
- Gizmo
- Mercedes
- Hero
- Whiskey
- Hercules
- Breeze
- Phantom
- Whisper
- Sheriff
- Billy
- Patrick
- Dusty
- Bailey
- Storm
- Snickers
- Tequila
- Dandy
- Bear
- Harvey
- George
- Shadow
- Bourbon
- Murphy
- Thunder
- Teddy
- Bandit
- Jimmy
- Blackjack
- Ghost
- Pirate
- Beamer
- Danny
- Rebel
- Apollo
- Blustery
- Butterfly
- Cactus
- Button
- Radio
- Bruce
- Bullseye
- Verner
- Turner
- Timo
- Eagle
- Ludovic
- Christopher
- Boston
- Bulero
- Bob
- Brazil
- Blue skin
- Lancelot
- Cadence
- Discount
- Don
- Champion
- Chianti
- Charlie
- Chentily
- Boxer
- Balero
- Normy
- Casper
- Zorro
- Winchester
- Voldermort
- Vader
- Tarmac
- Spider
- Sooty
- Smokey
- Smoke
- Hershey
- Magic
- Mystery
- Noche
- Omen
- Panther
- Panda
- Raisin
- Sombra
- Twilight
Also Read: Female Horse Names