150+ Contact Names For Boyfriend (2023)

150+ Contact Names For Boyfriend (2023). What’s the most enjoyable aspect of being in a relationship? Giving your companion a unique moniker that only the two of you share! Having a contact name for your boyfriend in your phone, whether it’s a romantic nickname, something stupid and hilarious, or just plain cute, may make your bond feel even more precious and intimate.
Contact Names For Boyfriend

So we’ve compiled a list of contact names for your boyfriends to preserve in your phone. Trust us when we say that these names will put a big smile on your boyfriend’s face and make him feel particularly loved and appreciated.
Romantic Contact Name For Boyfriends
Here is the list of romantic contact name for boyfriends:
- Baby Daddy
- Baby Guy
- Babycakes
- Babylicious
- Bambi
- Beaver
- Betterhalf
- Big daddy
- Blossom
- Bond
- Boo
- Boobear
- Boober
- BooBoo
- Boss man
- Brave heart
- Brown sugar
- Bubba
- Buzz
- Captain
- Adorable
- Almond
- Amor Mio
- Angel baby
- Apple
- Apply of my eye
- Babeh
- Baby
- Captain Cookie
- Champ
- Chester
- Chubby bunny!
- Crazy
- Love bugs
- Love sponge
- Lovebug
- Macho man
- Mashmallow
- McDreamy
- Mine
- Mister cutie
- Cream
- Cuddly bear
- Cutie Pie
- Darling
- Dashing
- Dear
- Dearest one
- Deep
- Dexter
- Douche bag <3
- Everything
- Favorite
- Firefracker
- Foodie
- Genius
- Giggles
- Handsome
- Heart throb
- Hercules
- Hero
- Honey
- Honey bunches
- Honeybear
- Hottie
- Hubby
- HuNtEr
- I R O N M A N
- IceMan
- Jammy
- Jelly Bear
- Jellybean
- Johnny Boy
- Ladies Man
- Little Lamb
Contact Names for Boyfriend

Here is the list of contact names for boyfriend:
- My boy
- My everything
- My kind
- My love Bee
- My lovely bear
- My Man
- My sunshine
- MyBabyForLIFE :]
- Naughty
- Nogut
- Otherhalf
- Pancake
- Panda
- Panda bear
- Papi
- Peanuts
- Pickle head
- Potatoes
- Prince Charming
- Pumpkin
- Puppy
- Rocky
- Romeo
- Rum rum
- Satan
- Sherlock
- Smiley
- Snow bear
- Soulmate
- Sparkles
- Sparky star
- Suga
- Sugar Daddy
- Sunny
- Super Mario
- Super stud
- Superman
- Sweet prince
- Sweet thang
- Sweetheart
- Sweets
- Tarzan
- Moneyboy
- Wonder man
- Wonderboy
- Woody
- Wonderland
- Wafer
- Zebra
- Mr. Perfect
- Mr.Cool
- Mr.Good looking
- Mr.perfect
- Mr.right
- Mustang
- My Baby
- My beloved
- My blackness/whiteness
- Teddy bear
- tellybear
- That guy
- The one
- Tiger Toes
- Tigerr
- Tough guy
- Treasure
- True love
- Twinkle
- Ultimate
- Valentine
- Waffle
- Winnie
- Wonder boy
Also Read: Contact Names And Suggestions