343 Elf Names And Suggestions. It’s likely that you’ve completed half of your list of Christmas-related activities if you’re as enthusiastic about the forthcoming holiday as we are. Christmas tree trimming with homemade ornaments? Check. adorn the home profusely with garlands? Check! While you’re at it, why not prepare some delectable Christmas desserts? Check!
Elf Names And Suggestions
However, even the most ambitious among you may have overlooked one crucial aspect—your Elf, of course! We’ve compiled the top Elf on the Shelf names here so you can give your elf a name that’s as naughty, cute, and enjoyable as he or she is. Elves are fastidious when it comes to their own names, just like humans, and they won’t accept anything less than the best.
Think outside the box, exercise extreme creativity (just as much as you do with your other Elf on the Shelf suggestions! ), and choose a name that accurately describes the unique personality of the Elf that will be living in your family.
Famous Elf on the Shelf Name and suggestion
Here is the list of Famous Elf on the Shelf Name and suggestion:
- Elrond (fromThe Lord of the Rings)
- Bernard (from Santa Clause)
- Hoppity (from The Great Santa Claus Switch)
- Aegnor (from The History of Middle-Earth)
- Arwen (from The Lord of the Rings)
- Zippity (from The Great Santa Claus Switch)
- Thranduil (fromThe Lord of the Rings)
- Kreacher (from Harry Potter)
- Hermey (from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer)
- Legolas (from The Lord of the Rings)
- Celeborn (from The Lord of the Rings)
- Bing (from The Great Santa Claus Switch)
- Dobby (from Harry Potter)
- Thranduil (from The Hobbit)
- Winky (from Harry Potter)
- Bing (fromThe Great Santa Claus Switch)
- Buddy (from Elf)
- Gimbel (the store name in Elf)
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Christmas-Inspired Elf on the Shelf Name Ideas
- Mary
- Tinsel
- Casper
- Balsam
- Eve
- Claus
- Poinsettia
- Noel
- Grace
- Stuffer
- Melchior
- Merry
- Ivy
- Snowball
- Balthazar
- Bell
- River
- Hope
- Snowy
- Holly
- Frosty
- Faith
- Snowflake
- Sleigh
- Jolly
- Joseph
- Fa-la-la
- Star
- Rockefeller
- Sugarplum
- Wonder
- Clara
- Mistletoe
- Joy
- Hope
- Carol
Reindeer-Inspired Elf on the Shelf Names
- Donner
- Comet
- Cupid
- Vixen
- Prancer
- Dasher
- Rudolph
- Dancer
- Blitzen
Food-Inspired Elf on the Shelf Names
- Casserole (“Cassie”)
- Sweet Potato
- Biscuit
- Peppermint (“Minty”)
- Fudge
- Brandy
- Eggnog
- Chestnut
- Pheasant
- Candy Cane
- Gingerbread
- Candy
- Graham Cracker (“Graham”)
- Cider
- Pudding
- Sugar
- Cookie
- Fruitcake
- Cocoa
- Snickerdoodle
Good Female Elf Names
- Lia Havalee, Princess of the Snow Elves
- Raibyn Hargraven, Empress of the Valley Elves
- Kylia Waesmer, Slave of the Moon Elves
- Ronda Maywaters, Keeper of the Aquatic Elves
- Freda Vendove, Ruler of the Snow Elves
- Nephinae Naeries, Princess of the Valley Elves
- Kylia Wynlen, Champion of the Wood Elves
- Carwen Ebony, Follower of the Dark Elves
- Hironna Jofir, Healer of the Valley Elves
- Maeralya Zylkian, Princess of the Deep Elves
- Idril Daden, Guardian of the Winged Elves
- Estel Elgrove, Slave of the Wild Elves
- Melronna Fakian, Healer of the Dark Elves
- Alaysha Wysacyn, Protector of the Valley Elves
- Alary Black, Friend of the Deep Elves
- Ardis Wynlen, Champion of the Dark Elves
- Siofra Daden, Friend of the Night Elves
- Yavanna Morader, Pathfinder of the Grey Elves
- Yaama Ebony, Spellsword of the Wild Elves
- Alma grey, Captain of the Blood Elves
- Branwyn Ergella, Slave of the Snow Elves
- Rina Wysacyn, Leader of the Wild Elves
- Melian grey, Protector of the Snow Elves
- Siofra Yoffir, Keeper of the Night Elves
- Beeatrisa Glavien, Warrior of the Valley Elves
- Raibyn grey, Friend of the Sun Elves
- Elva Mortimer, Counselor of the Valley Elves
- Lia Beimaris, Leader of the Moon Elves
- Eilae White, Keeper of the Dark Elves
- Bethan Perdan, Spellsword of the Night Elves
- Vena Ardhave, Ruler of the Blood Elves
- Kylia Moonbryn, Champion of the Sun Elves
- Ronda Zylkian, Captain of the Blood Elves
- Siofra Fynwaters, Ruler of the Sun Elves
- Aeverie Morader, Champion of the Night Elves
- Zyila Triskan, Captain of the Sun Elves
- Estel Fynwaters, Captain of the Valley Elves
- Melian Magnelis, Champion of the Grey Elves
- Iriel Morader, Captain of the Blood Elves
- Lobelia Ergella, Guardian of the Winged Elves
- Zyila Hargraven, Guardian of the Aquatic Elves
- Nephinae Maywaters, Champion of the High Elves
Elf Names Beginning with A
- Aerendyl – Male
- Alabyran – Male
- Azariah – Male or Female
- Akasha – Female
- Aemma – Female
- Akash – Male or Female
- Aelena – Female
- Aelene – Female
- Alae – Male or Female
- Ailmar – Male
- Amaryllis – Female
- Axilia – Female
- Allannia – Female
- Alais – Female
- Alys – Female
- Alavara – Female
- Aredhel – Male
- Alaesa – Female
- Aego – Male
- Amaryll – Female
- Axil – Male
- Aelinor – Female
- Arwen – Male
- Agis – Male
- Alea – Female
- Aquilaen – Female
- Aegnor – Male or Female
- Akashi – Female
- Alyssa – Female
- Akkar – Male
- Axilea – Male or Female
- Arazorwyn – Male
- Alyssia – Female
- Aelrindel – Male
- Aeleanor – Female
- Afamrail – Male
- Alaglossa – Female
- Aranel – Male
- Aeson – Male
- Alerathla – Female
- Azari – Male
- Aithlin – Male
- Alloralla – Female
Elf Names Beginning with B
- Biafyndar – Male
- Blythe – Male or Female
- Braern – Male
- Baela – Female
- Bonna – Female
- Beleg – Male
- Bhuraelea – Male
- Blythswana – Female
- Beluar – Male
- Bialaer – Male
- Beala – Female
- Briareth – Male
- Bonnalurie – Female
- Braerindra – Famale
- Baelen – Female
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More Mighty Elven Name Ideas (A-B)
- Aerendyl
- Bele
- Ajaar
- Bialaer
- Blythswana
- Allain
- Aermhar
- Althidon
- Alauthshae
- Abadda
- Aithlin
- Aduce
- Alerathla
- Bellas
- Alavara
- Bhyrindaar
- Baelen
- Axilia
- Alea
- Azariah
- Brindarry
- Amrynn
- Alaesa
- Akhelbhen
- Afamrail
- Adamar
- Briareth
- Akkar
- Akkar
- Belanor
- Agis
- Agis
- Bonnalurie
- Arazorwyn
- Alys
- Braerindra
- Alloralla
- Alaglossa
- Aelrindel
- Alinar
- Aithlin
- Allannia
- Aquilaen
- Alabyran
- Biafyndar
- Albondiel
- Bialaer
- Alais
- Beala
- Alok
- Beldroth
- Beluar
- Aelrindel
- Aesar
- Aredhel
- Adresin
- Aeson
- Afamrail
- Anarallath
- Adorellan
- Aego
- Ainésilver
- Akash
- Amaryll
- Buttorwyr
- Abarat
- Aemma
- Aglanthol
- Braern
- Biafyndar
- Baerdelcoam
- Beluar
- Aeson
- Belstram
- Alosrin
- Aranel
- Arwen
- Braern
- Aerendyl
- Ailmar
- Bhuraelea
- Baerithryn
- Ayaeqlarune
- Alabyran
Elven Names For Any Gender (C-D)
- Daeharice
- Dannyd
- Cymbiir
- Durothil
- Chylnoth
- Chin’nesstre
- Doreah
- Corym
- Daena
- Daratrine
- Cornaith
- Chomylla
- Daeondra
- Dhoelath
- Chasianna
- Delsaran
- Dalyor
- Darcassan
- Cameron
- Darfin
- Daealla
- Dyffros
- Cluhurach
- Divisav
- Calarel
- Connak
- Cluym
- Celebrimbor
- Caerthynna
- Chozzaster
- Deldrach
- Chichlandra
- Dior
- Durlan
- Cheyrth
- Conall
- Celebrían
- Chathanglas
- Cystenn
- Drannor
- Cluhurach
- Cystenn
- Curunir
- Cymbiir
- Daenys
- Cohnal
- Dakat
- Conall
- Cornaith
- Cauladra
- Cohnal
- Druindar
- Corym
- Celeborn
- Delmuth
- Daenestra
- Daemeon
- Darthoridan
- Dakath
- Ciyradyl
- Darcassan
- Connak
- Círdan
- Droth
- Cluym
- Chandrelle