225+ Evil Names (2023)

225+ Evil Names (2023). Every name has a special meaning, and parents all over the world struggle to find the best name for their children. Not all names are good; there are those that should not be given to anyone.
Evil Names

Some names are considered good or evil by one culture or another around the world. This article provides a list of evil names.
Male Evil Name Ideas
Here is the list of male evil name ideas:
- Zephyr
- Lucifer
- Elon
- Queen
- Weylin
- Abaddon
- Aguares
- Amduscas
- Apophis
- Baal
- Balan
- Chernobog
- Chu Kwai
- Cresil
- Deber
- Dagon
- Furfur
- Flynn
- Kok-Lir
- Azazel
- Nazar
- Ciaran
- Douglas
- Colgate
- Damian
- Hannibal
- Vlad
- Keron-Kenken
- Karau
- Leonard
- Lilith
- Leanan
- Mammon
- Melchom
- Merihim
- Mush
- Mokotiti
- Merihim
- Nergal
- Olisha
- Orias
- Orthon
- Orusula
- Pyro
- Raum
- Ravana
- Rimmon
- Ronwe
- Sakarabru
- Samael
- Semiazas
- Set
- Shabriri
- Tando Ashanti
- Tezcatl Poca
- Thamuz
- Uphir
- Verin
- Vetis
- Vritra
- Wele Gumali
- Xaphan
- Xic
- Yamaraja
Female Evil Name Ideas
Here is the list of female evil name ideas:
- Karmina
- Kayda
- Eleanore
- Garnet
- Imperia
- Illusion
- Kaige
- Kandyl
- Lucretia
- Lycia
- Morticia
- Chalice
- Damien
- Gnash
- Gotham
- Aurora
- Winona
- Serphina
- Kylie
- Scarlett
- Annallee
- Kali
- Helvetica
- Mayze
- Misericordia
- Mist
- Ophelia
- Hecate
- Jezebel
- Lamia
- Lilith
- Usha
- Ebony
- Alexia
- Luna
- Ivy
- Darcy
- Pandora
- Rapture
- Rosary
- Sable
- Dante
- Demien
- Grail
- Grendel
- Anya
- Renesmee
- Ursula
- Neemi
- Martha
- Catastrophica
- Octacia
- Roxy
- Scarlet
- Seraphim
- Severina
- Siouxise
- Suspiria
- Theda
- Tranquility
- Velvet
- Drachen
- Dred
- Hades
- Jinx
- Belladonna
- Carmilla
- Chalice
- Crimson
- Cyan
- Dementia
- Diamanda
- Elegia
- Vervain
- Zaphara
- Zillah
- Zima
- Zuire
- Acheron
- Alabaster
- Argent
- Enigma
- Eldritch
- Layre
- Labyrinth
Evil Names

Here is the list of evil names:
- Baal-berith
- Apep
- Morfran
- Ahriman
- Jilaiya
- Zagan
- Aamon
- Nimue
- Batibal
- Heccale
- Lezabel
- Lamia
- Lilith
- Pandora
- Eternal black evil
- The swine devil
- The master of evils
- Nelian
- Bringer of nightmares
- Evil Saint
- Tangle brute of terror
- Estella Tempest Of Dark
- Mara
- Qarinah
- succubus
- Ardal lili
- Empusa
- gorgon
- Lamashlu
- Yuki Onna
- Jezebeth
- Prosperine
- Kasdeya
- Kragami the Decayer
- Dark Sorceress
- Raven Evil
- Grisly cave Sin Eater
- Mad black berserker
- Azazel
- Diabolos
- Abigor
- Ravana
- Satan
- Samael
- Seth
- Chernobog
- Demogorgon
- Asmodeus
- Addane
- Supreme Phantom Viper
- The Lone Razorback swine
- Storm Cloud doom
- Deadly eater
- The Screamer
- The Sin eater
- The Corpse
- Howling dark
- The Ugly devil
- Dead red
- Kaiser Death Whisper
- Vicious Blight Deathwhisper
- Burnt Butcher Swine
- The red rotting nightmare
- Spirit of deads
- Wazor Dark Nightshade
- Dark EvilUmbra
- Feline Evil whisper
- The constructor of dead evils
Also Read: Tiefling Names