Creative Safety Slogans and Suggestions. Utilize safety slogans to remind employees to practice safety. To promote a safety culture at work, use these safety slogan examples.
Creative Safety Slogans And Suggestions
Safety slogans are declarations, phrases, or sentences that are used by an organization or business as part of a campaign to promote safety culture. They frequently use a memorable and catchy catchphrase or phrase. They may be utilized on billboards, posters, and web pages. These safety messages, which aim to promote a positive safety mindset, can be utilized by staff members, employers, clients, collaborators, or the media. Here is the list of Creative Safety Slogans.
Popular Safety Slogans
Here is the list of Popular Safety Slogans:
- Our Goal—Zero Harm
- Just because you always did it that way, doesn’t make it right.
- Stop! Think! Then act!
- ero compromise towards safety.
- We need you–work safely
- If you don’t think it will happen to you, find the person who had it happen to them.
- Best Be Safe Today
- Safety Is Free, Use Plenty Of It.
- Stand up for safety
- Prevention is better than cure.
- KISS: Keep it Safe and Sound
- Safety is no accident
- Watch your step – it could be your last
- Never forget about safety
- Failing to prepare = Prepare to fail
- Safety first and last longer.
- Leave sooner, drive slower, live longer.
- “L” is for lifting – Lift with your legs and leave your back out of it.
- Zero compromise towards safety
Catchy and Rhyming Safety Slogans
- When in doubt, get out.
- Don’t be safety blinded, be safety minded.
- With safety glasses tight, you’ll surely keep your sight.
- Don’t be a fool! Inspect your electrical tools.
- Be informed or be deformed.
- A faulty wire can cause a fire.
- When safety is first, you last.
- If you mess up, ‘fess up.
- Do your work with pride, put safety in every stride.
- Turn your attention to accident prevention.
- Dare to be aware.
- A spill, a slip, a hospital trip
- To avoid a scene keep your workplace clean.
- Be aware, take care.
- Safety First, Avoid the Worst
- Safety rules are your best tools.
- Work smart from the start.
- Make it a mission to address unsafe conditions.
- Safety is Gainful, Accident is Painful
- Don’t be a fool. Use the proper tool.
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Best Safety Slogans
- Don’t be a Fool – Use the Proper Tool!
- Do the Do’s Not the Don’ts
- Be the Kind of Person Your Dog Thinks You Are
- Be Sure Be Safe
- Don’t Be a Fool – Cause Safety is Cool – So Make that Your Rule
- Don’t Be Hasty When it Comes to Safety
- Before You Start – Be Safety Smart
- Be Hand-in-Glove with Safety
- Before You Do It – Take Time to Think Through It
- Be Safe at Work or You Might Miss, A Welcome Home – A Hug – A Kiss
- Don’t Be Safety Blinded – Be Safety Minded
- Do Your Work With Pride – Put Safety in Every Stride
- Being Accident-Free is Doing Your Part
- Being Safe is Like Breathing You Never Want to
Funny Safety Slogans
- If you think your job is hard now, try doing it without hands.
- Safety first because injuries last.
- Don’t learn safety by accident.
- Your first mistake could be your last.
- The only trip you take should be on vacation
- If you lift with your back, you’ll hear it crack.
- Hearing protection is a sound investment.
- Your hands do not come with a lifetime warranty.
- Shortcuts cut life short.
- Machines and tools do not have brains-use your own.
- Pull in your head when low beams are near, or your head could be forced into your rear.
- Use your brain. Avoid the Strain.
- The RDO’S nearly hear the rest will be Bliss, just watch what you do if you get on the Piss.
- Safety is the seam that joins the fabric of life. Don’t let a loose thread bring it all undone.
- The shutdown finishing line is in site, so keep incident free with all your might.
- If you give somebody a hand, make sure there is a glove on it.
- If your feelin’ beat because of the heat, do what you oughta and keep drinking water.
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