300+ Star Names (2023)

300+ Star Names (2023). Star names come from a variety of cultures and origins. Some are traditional names that have been used since ancient times, while others were given following a public contest and vote in recent years. The International Astronomical Union (IAU), the only internationally recognized authority that can grant names and designations to stars, planets, and other celestial bodies, has authorized all official star names. Individuals cannot purchase celebrity names, nor may private organizations or commercial companies sell or give them away. Names that have not been approved by the IAU have no legal standing.
Star Names

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) has authorized all of the star names listed below. The table includes the stars’ Bayer, Flamsteed, or catalog designations, visual magnitudes, coordinates (right ascension and declination), and name meanings/origins, in addition to their names. If the star does not have a Bayer or Flamsteed identification, the constellation is also provided.
Best Star Names
Here is the list of best star names:
- Lacerta
- Ara
- Ruchba
- Ukdah
- Alcor
- Tejat
- Mothallah
- Rasalas
- Corvus
- Carina
- Atria
- Aldebaran
- Kornephoros
- Sadalbari
- Ankaa
- Sheratan
- Arrakis
- Enif
- Ursa Major
- Gemma
- Unuk Al Hay
- Menkalinan
- Al Giedi
- Sulafat
- Minkar
- Homam
- Castor
- Acubens
- Furud
- Hydra
- Mesarthim
- Matar
- Ain
- Pleione
- Menkib
- Praecipula
- Maia
- Alfirk
- Apus
- Baten Kaitos
- Rukbat
- Indus
- Porrima
- Segin
- Nodus Secundus
- Alkalurops
- Yed Prior
- Electra
- Alnilam
- Reticulum
- Volans
- Gacrux
- Beid
- Algenib
- Shaula
- Ancha
- Massim
- Delphinus
- Muliphein
- Pavo
- Mirak
- Microscopium
- Nihal
- Zaniah
- Rigel Kentaurus
- Horologium
- Octans
- Bellatrix
- Cujam
- Mekbuda
- Miaplacidus
- Alsafi
- Tarazed
- Sadatoni
- Kaus Media
- Zaurak
- Thuban
- Rigel
- Eltanin
- Al Na’ir
- Vulpecula
- Pollux
- Rotanev
- Situla
- Botein
- Asellus Borealis
- Andromeda
- Prijipati
- Celaeno
- Norma
- Zubenhakrabi
Unique Star Name Ideas
Here is the list of unique star name ideas:
- Mulu-lizi
- Al Reschia
- Gemini
- Antlia
- Vela
- Lynx
- Dabih
- Kochab
- Talitha Borealis
- Merope
- Al Nair
- Ras Alhague
- Altair
- Thabit
- Canis Major
- Mintaka
- Sadal Melik
- Mimosa
- Al Bali
- Pherkab
- Coma Berenices
- Baham
- Tucana
- Ras Algethi
- Columba
- Muphrid
- Signus
- Kerhah
- Tian Ke
- Scutum
- Scutulum
- Asmidiske
- Syrma
- Al Gieba
- Azelfafage
- Zuben El Genubi
- Alphard
- Menkar
- Bootes
- Sualocin
- Leo Minor
- Er Rai
- El Nasl
- Sextans
- Atlas
- Crater
- Equuleus
- Maaz
- Kitalpha
- Zozma
- Megrez
- Orion
- Cheleb
- Zavijava
- Zuben Eschamali
- Zi Ceng
- Antares
- Mirfak
- Schemali
- Corona Borealis
- Wasat
- Cygnus
- Sirius
- Algorab
- Ophiuchus
- Alioth
- Mensa
- Leo
- Piscis Austrinus
- Coxa
- Sadal Suud
- Betelgeuse
- Alterf
- Choo or Qu
- Asellus Astralius
- Canopus
- Alula Australis
- Spica
- Corona Australis
- Algol
- Puppis
- Lesath
- Asterope
- Alchibah
- Hercules
- Pisces
- Triangulum Australe
- Cursa
- Minhar al Shuja
Creative Star Name Ideas
Here is the list of creative star name ideas:
- Achemar
- Chara
- Hadar
- Triangulum
- X-1
- Almach
- Al Thalimain
- Rastaban
- Mirzam
- Kaus Borealis
- Aquila
- Mira
- Eridanus
- Alya
- Arkab
- Yildun
- Phoenix
- Hydrus
- Auriga
- Regulus
- Achird
- Gomeisa
- Muscida
- Adhil
- Telescopium
- Edasich
- Chamaeleon
- Alcyone
- Dubhe
- Ke Kuan
- Canis Minor
- Sadachbia
- Nekkar
- Al Dhanab
- Camelopardalis
- Fum al Samakah
- Taygeta
- Heka
- Merak
- Arcturus
- Draco
- Albireo
- Keid
- Pictor
- Al Niyat
- Circinus
- Phad
- Lepus
- Lyra
- Propus
- Procyon
- Skat
- Vega
- Nunki
- Kraz
- Denebola
- Caph
Star Names

Here is the list of star names:
- Sheliak or Shelyak
- Lupus
- Kaffaljidhmah
- Sagittarius
- Serpens
- Libra
- Scheat
- Arneb
- Jabhat al Akrab
- Dorado
- Polaris
- Jabbah
- Marfik
- The Garnet Star
- Grumium
- Sargas
- Virgo
- Deneb or Al Dhanab al Dulfim
- Sabik
- Tyl
- Ras Elased
- Na’ir al Saif
- Scorpius
- Capricornus
- Aludra
- Gienah
- Atik
- Capella
- Canes Venatici
- Azha
- Sadr
- Alula Borealis
- Kuma
- Kaus Australis
- Suhail
- Men
- Cepheus
- Auva
- Muhlifain
- Cor Caroli
- Sculptor
- Perseus
- Rana
- Pleadies
- Sagitta
- Wezen
- Alnitak
- Al Athfar
- Mebsuta
- The Peacock Star
- Alderamin
- Zhou
- Wezn
- Ascella
- Cancer
- Taurus
- Pegasus
- Fornax
- Deneb
- Avior
- Dziban
- Naos
- Al Haud
- Hamal
- Aquarius
- Sarin
- Pyxis
- Angetenar
- Kabdhilinan
- Nashira
- Adhafera
- Tania Australis
- Fomalhaut
- Nusakan
- Musca
- Crux
- Menkent
- Ruchbah
- Acrux
- Markab
- Tania Borealis
- Tarf
- Yed Posterior
- Acamar
- Alkes
- Caelum
- Dschubba
- Primus Hyadum
- Ursa Minor
- Centaurus
- Cassiopeia
- Deneb Algiedi
- Vindemiatrix
- Alpheratz
- Giauzar
- El Nath
- Alkaid
- Heze
- Almeisan
- Graffias
- Aries
- Grus
- Tegmine
- Talitha Australis
- Zi
- Monoceros
- Mizar
- Diphda
- Schedar
- Alshain
- Phact
- Tsih
- Mirach
- Aladfar
- Cetus
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