
300+ Star Names (2023)

300+ Star Names (2023). Star names come from a variety of cultures and origins. Some are traditional names that have been used since ancient times, while others were given following a public contest and vote in recent years. The International Astronomical Union (IAU), the only internationally recognized authority that can grant names and designations to stars, planets, and other celestial bodies, has authorized all official star names. Individuals cannot purchase celebrity names, nor may private organizations or commercial companies sell or give them away. Names that have not been approved by the IAU have no legal standing.

Table of Contents

Star Names

Star Name

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) has authorized all of the star names listed below. The table includes the stars’ Bayer, Flamsteed, or catalog designations, visual magnitudes, coordinates (right ascension and declination), and name meanings/origins, in addition to their names. If the star does not have a Bayer or Flamsteed identification, the constellation is also provided.

Best Star Names

Here is the list of best star names:

  1. Lacerta
  2. Ara
  3. Ruchba
  4. Ukdah
  5. Alcor
  6. Tejat
  7. Mothallah
  8. Rasalas
  9. Corvus
  10. Carina
  11. Atria
  12. Aldebaran
  13. Kornephoros
  14. Sadalbari
  15. Ankaa
  16. Sheratan
  17. Arrakis
  18. Enif
  19. Ursa Major
  20. Gemma
  21. Unuk Al Hay
  22. Menkalinan
  23. Al Giedi
  24. Sulafat
  25. Minkar
  26. Homam
  27. Castor
  28. Acubens
  29. Furud
  30. Hydra
  31. Mesarthim
  32. Matar
  33. Ain
  34. Pleione
  35. Menkib
  36. Praecipula
  37. Maia
  38. Alfirk
  39. Apus
  40. Baten Kaitos
  41. Rukbat
  42. Indus
  43. Porrima
  44. Segin
  45. Nodus Secundus
  46. Alkalurops
  47. Yed Prior
  48. Electra
  49. Alnilam
  50. Reticulum
  51. Volans
  52. Gacrux
  53. Beid
  54. Algenib
  55. Shaula
  56. Ancha
  57. Massim
  58. Delphinus
  59. Muliphein
  60. Pavo
  61. Mirak
  62. Microscopium
  63. Nihal
  64. Zaniah
  65. Rigel Kentaurus
  66. Horologium
  67. Octans
  68. Bellatrix
  69. Cujam
  70. Mekbuda
  71. Miaplacidus
  72. Alsafi
  73. Tarazed
  74. Sadatoni
  75. Kaus Media
  76. Zaurak
  77. Thuban
  78. Rigel
  79. Eltanin
  80. Al Na’ir
  81. Vulpecula
  82. Pollux
  83. Rotanev
  84. Situla
  85. Botein
  86. Asellus Borealis
  87. Andromeda
  88. Prijipati
  89. Celaeno
  90. Norma
  91. Zubenhakrabi

Unique Star Name Ideas

Here is the list of unique star name ideas:

  1. Mulu-lizi
  2. Al Reschia
  3. Gemini
  4. Antlia
  5. Vela
  6. Lynx
  7. Dabih
  8. Kochab
  9. Talitha Borealis
  10. Merope
  11. Al Nair
  12. Ras Alhague
  13. Altair
  14. Thabit
  15. Canis Major
  16. Mintaka
  17. Sadal Melik
  18. Mimosa
  19. Al Bali
  20. Pherkab
  21. Coma Berenices
  22. Baham
  23. Tucana
  24. Ras Algethi
  25. Columba
  26. Muphrid
  27. Signus
  28. Kerhah
  29. Tian Ke
  30. Scutum
  31. Scutulum
  32. Asmidiske
  33. Syrma
  34. Al Gieba
  35. Azelfafage
  36. Zuben El Genubi
  37. Alphard
  38. Menkar
  39. Bootes
  40. Sualocin
  41. Leo Minor
  42. Er Rai
  43. El Nasl
  44. Sextans
  45. Atlas
  46. Crater
  47. Equuleus
  48. Maaz
  49. Kitalpha
  50. Zozma
  51. Megrez
  52. Orion
  53. Cheleb
  54. Zavijava
  55. Zuben Eschamali
  56. Zi Ceng
  57. Antares
  58. Mirfak
  59. Schemali
  60. Corona Borealis
  61. Wasat
  62. Cygnus
  63. Sirius
  64. Algorab
  65. Ophiuchus
  66. Alioth
  67. Mensa
  68. Leo
  69. Piscis Austrinus
  70. Coxa
  71. Sadal Suud
  72. Betelgeuse
  73. Alterf
  74. Choo or Qu
  75. Asellus Astralius
  76. Canopus
  77. Alula Australis
  78. Spica
  79. Corona Australis
  80. Algol
  81. Puppis
  82. Lesath
  83. Asterope
  84. Alchibah
  85. Hercules
  86. Pisces
  87. Triangulum Australe
  88. Cursa
  89. Minhar al Shuja

Creative Star Name Ideas

Here is the list of creative star name ideas:

  1. Achemar
  2. Chara
  3. Hadar
  4. Triangulum
  5. X-1
  6. Almach
  7. Al Thalimain
  8. Rastaban
  9. Mirzam
  10. Kaus Borealis
  11. Aquila
  12. Mira
  13. Eridanus
  14. Alya
  15. Arkab
  16. Yildun
  17. Phoenix
  18. Hydrus
  19. Auriga
  20. Regulus
  21. Achird
  22. Gomeisa
  23. Muscida
  24. Adhil
  25. Telescopium
  26. Edasich
  27. Chamaeleon
  28. Alcyone
  29. Dubhe
  30. Ke Kuan
  31. Canis Minor
  32. Sadachbia
  33. Nekkar
  34. Al Dhanab
  35. Camelopardalis
  36. Fum al Samakah
  37. Taygeta
  38. Heka
  39. Merak
  40. Arcturus
  41. Draco
  42. Albireo
  43. Keid
  44. Pictor
  45. Al Niyat
  46. Circinus
  47. Phad
  48. Lepus
  49. Lyra
  50. Propus
  51. Procyon
  52. Skat
  53. Vega
  54. Nunki
  55. Kraz
  56. Denebola
  57. Caph

Star Names

Star Name Ideas

Here is the list of star names:

  1. Sheliak or Shelyak
  2. Lupus
  3. Kaffaljidhmah
  4. Sagittarius
  5. Serpens
  6. Libra
  7. Scheat
  8. Arneb
  9. Jabhat al Akrab
  10. Dorado
  11. Polaris
  12. Jabbah
  13. Marfik
  14. The Garnet Star
  15. Grumium
  16. Sargas
  17. Virgo
  18. Deneb or Al Dhanab al Dulfim
  19. Sabik
  20. Tyl
  21. Ras Elased
  22. Na’ir al Saif
  23. Scorpius
  24. Capricornus
  25. Aludra
  26. Gienah
  27. Atik
  28. Capella
  29. Canes Venatici
  30. Azha
  31. Sadr
  32. Alula Borealis
  33. Kuma
  34. Kaus Australis
  35. Suhail
  36. Men
  37. Cepheus 
  38. Auva
  39. Muhlifain
  40. Cor Caroli
  41. Sculptor
  42. Perseus
  43. Rana
  44. Pleadies
  45. Sagitta
  46. Wezen
  47. Alnitak
  48. Al Athfar
  49. Mebsuta
  50. The Peacock Star
  51. Alderamin
  52. Zhou
  53. Wezn
  54. Ascella
  55. Cancer
  56. Taurus
  57. Pegasus
  58. Fornax
  59. Deneb
  60. Avior
  61. Dziban
  62. Naos
  63. Al Haud
  64. Hamal
  65. Aquarius
  66. Sarin
  67. Pyxis
  68. Angetenar
  69. Kabdhilinan
  70. Nashira
  71. Adhafera
  72. Tania Australis
  73. Fomalhaut
  74. Nusakan
  75. Musca
  76. Crux
  77. Menkent
  78. Ruchbah
  79. Acrux
  80. Markab
  81. Tania Borealis
  82. Tarf
  83. Yed Posterior
  84. Acamar
  85. Alkes
  86. Caelum
  87. Dschubba
  88. Primus Hyadum
  89. Ursa Minor
  90. Centaurus
  91. Cassiopeia
  92. Deneb Algiedi
  93. Vindemiatrix
  94. Alpheratz
  95. Giauzar
  96. El Nath
  97. Alkaid
  98. Heze
  99. Almeisan
  100. Graffias
  101. Aries
  102. Grus
  103. Tegmine
  104. Talitha Australis
  105. Zi
  106. Monoceros
  107. Mizar
  108. Diphda
  109. Schedar
  110. Alshain
  111. Phact
  112. Tsih
  113. Mirach
  114. Aladfar
  115. Cetus

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